Weather Alert
In response to Environment Canada’s continued Snowfall Warning for the City of Toronto, we have made the decision to close all schools, administrative buildings and sites to students and staff today - Thursday, February 13, 2025.



balloon heartThank you to all who attended our Open House

and Ultimate Prom on Saturday, May 12

We thank the support of our staff, students and alumni for their support in making the event a success.  

Thanks to Paul Reeves and Plant World for helping us beautify our school.  

Celebrating 54 Years of Excellence in Education

Scarlett Heights LogoScarlett Heights CI Logo


Winter Wonderland

girls selling cupcakes Scarlett Heights’ student entrepreneurs turned their popular semi-annual Student Venture Day into a Winter Wonderland this week. Students in grade 9 and 11 Business Studies showcased their creative ventures as part of their business studies course.



i2H FEEL Young Innovator Boot Camp and Showcase

is an experiential learning opportunity that provides students with a real world application of an entrepreneurship mindset and creates a forum for mentorship and knowledge.  

Students from across TDSB are invited to participate in this highly interactive, real-world experience led by University of Toronto Ideas Hatchery founder, Professor Joseph Orozco and mentors.